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New Interactive GeoDNS White Paper

May 23, 2017
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How GeoDNS works

Constellix launched a new interactive white paper that explains the importance of GeoDNS services, how they work, and a variety of use cases. GeoDNS services allow you to precisely route globally distributed audiences. Audiences can be segmented by:

  • region
  • country
  • city
  • proximity to a nearby server
  • ASN
  • IP address (IPv4 or IPv6)

Users can write rules that apply to different segments to decrease latency or deliver location-specific content.

“We feel it’s important that our clients understand not just how to use our products, but how they work. These new GeoDNS technologies allow clients to essentially build their own globally distributed network in just a matter of minutes,” says President of Constellix Steven Job

This technology was previously reserved for only large, enterprise scale businesses able to afford their own global networks. Cloud technology has made these services available to the masses at a fraction of the cost and labor.The Constellix GeoDNS tool set comprises of:

  • Global Traffic Director (regional traffic management)
  • IP filters
  • GeoProximity

These services were recently demonstrated during the Constellix onboarding webinars. Over 80% of attendees expressed interest in learning how the different GeoDNS services work, which spawned the creation of the white paperThe white paper also covers the essentials of EDNS client subnet, which seeks to improve routing accuracy by passing along the IP of the querying client to the authoritative name server (not the IP of the resolving name server). EDNS client subnet was widely requested by Constellix DNS beta users.

About Constellix

Constellix is a subsidiary of Tiggee, the creators of DNS Made Easy, and the industry leader in providing IP Anycast enterprise DNS services. Constellix is an Internet Traffic Optimization (ITO) company and trailblazer in next-generation traffic management solutions. The Constellix GeoDNS platform offers the most powerful and precise DNS query management, engineered for the cloud. The platform is fully integrated with Constellix Sonar, which offers a range of advanced monitoring features and intelligent analytics tools.­­­­

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