Query Reports and Statistics

Quickly obtain an overview of recent query activity for all domains in your account. 

Proper reporting is essential to system monitoring and maintenance. Now you will have a granular view of analyzing your DNS queries. With Constellix query reports, you can quickly obtain an overview of recent query activity for all domains in the account. With query reports, you can identify which records are being queried the most in real-time. You will also have a granular view of query counts for each domain over a set period of time. 

The most advanced query analytics in the industry.

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Modernized DNS Reports

If your organization needs enhanced reporting solutions, Contact a Constellix expert to help you create a one-of-a-kind strategy that can optimize your domains and keep them online 100% of the time.

DNS Management ServicesTalk to an Expert→
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DNS Monitoring Benefits

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System Analytics

Take advantage of Constellix's query logs to identify system misconfigurations

Shield Sonar Monitoring icon

DDoS Prevention

Have the perfect tool to compare capacity trends over time to detect attacks

query reports and statistics

Identify Resources

Constellix Query Reports helps your organization save time and resources to identify stale or unused records

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Pinpoint a CDN

The ability to pinpoint a CDN (or other cloud service) that is making excess requests

DNS Statistics and Insights

Historical Usage Reports
Create unique routing rules-based on users' location or network

Create historical usage reports, and analyze whether or not there has been a steady increase in the volume of traffic. This will allow you to identify if there are any deviations from normal traffic patterns.

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Analyze Queries by Location

You will also have the ultimate ability to compare queries by location. The Queries by Location time-series shows query counts at each location at 30-minute intervals over a definable time range.

This means that you can now:

✓ Gather insight into your DNS infrastructure
✓ Analyze DDoS and other DNS-based attacks
✓ Pinpoint which records are being used the most
✓ Troubleshoot influx of DNS queries
✓ Examine request loads on DNS servers and zones
✓ Evaluate the effects of configuration changes

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