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Jessica is the Marketing and Brand Manager for Constellix and DNS Made Easy. She likes quirky one-liners, selling technology services, and connecting with people.
SSL Certificate Monitoring keeps track of the expiration date of the secure sockets layer certificate and the number of days before it expires. It will allow you to manage and monitor your SSL expirations from a global perspective with ease.
How does SSL Work?
If an expired SSL certificate is used, you lose the benefits and securities that a valid working certificate offers you. To prevent your website and its users from being at risk, Constellix has added this monitoring service that automatically notifies you of upcoming cert expirations on your network before they expire, allowing you the peace of mind of security and SSL certificate validation.
With the security and protection of your information being at an all-time high, it is vital that your domains remain private and secure. Due to SSL certificates having a validity period, these dates have become increasingly important to providing the server authenticity that will allow web browsers to understand the identity of servers.
Constellix is unlike others available in the industry, as we take a more in-depth approach to SSL certificate monitoring. Current customers can talk to a Constellix expert to learn more. For new users, email
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