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When it comes to DNS, there's nothing we love more - except DNS management. And maybe Secondary DNS. Or Failover. Even anomaly detection. Oh who are we kidding, if it's even remotely close to the topic of DNS, we got you covered!
Last week, we released an update to Constellix DNS for records that use GeoProximity with Failover. Before the update, if you had a record with both services enabled and the endpoint for that GeoProximity location was downed; then users would be routed to theWorld/Default location.Now, if a GeoProximity endpoint is unavailable, users will be routed to the next closest location automatically.Exciting stuff, right?If that didn't make any sense to you, read on.GeoProximity is one of our most popular features with hundreds of our clients using it every day. It's an amazingly powerful tool that you can use to build your own CDN or create custom rules depending on your users' locations. So even if you aren't using GeoProximity, we recommend that you take a few minutes to learn about it. We'll even show you how to set it up.
Here's a quick primer. GeoProximity is one of our GeoIP services. These services use a database that attributes locations to IP addresses. You can use this information to create custom rules for your DNS records and send users to different IP addresses depending on their location. GeoProximity is one of these rules and uses a GeoIP engine to calculate the geographically closest server in the configuration.When you setup GeoProximity, you'll need to first create aWorld/Default record. This record is only used if a user's IP isn't in our database, or one of your GeoProximity locations is down.You can create as many GeoProximity records as you want. Say you have a handful of servers in your network that are distributed all across Europe. You can create GeoProximity rules for each server location by either entering the coordinates or selecting the country/province/city.Once you have that setup, when a user queries your domain our GeoIP engine will determine where that user is coming from and route them to the geographically closest server in your network.Need help setting it up? Watch this video to learn how...
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